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AR*AS Core Members


Our Core Members define the AR*AS program with the work that they do in their field.  Read about some of our current and former core members below to learn more about the impact that AR*AS can have on you and your community.

 Nicole Mahig | Childhood Education
P.S./M.S. 280 in the Bronx

“America Reads is a very unique campus organization because it teaches you the values of professionalism, community involvement, and self-growth.  America Reads has offered me the amazing opportunity of spending time in my field while earning my degree … Because of my involvement with PS 280, I feel like I am making a difference in my personal growth, as well as the PS 280 community.  In addition, I have been able to form a professional bond with the faculty that has allowed me to secure a student teaching position there.  Without America Reads, none of this would have been possible.”

Tishae Spence | Government and Photography
Bed-Stuy Campaign Againt Hunger in Brooklyn

"Being from Florida, I have seen the struggles of poverty and witnessed the effects of loved ones.  Bed-Stuy Campaign Against Hunger truly does their part to make a difference in the community.  They are the largest food pantry in New York City and also one of the few that allow a person to choose what food they would like to eat.  I was impressed by the diligence and hard work the employees put into making their clients feel like they are not low income."

Julia Rachiele | Psychology
New York Center for OCD and Anxiety Disorders in Manhattan

“The aspect that makes this clinical setting easy is that Dr. Lancer is not only seeing patients and providing therapy, but he is developing a product that he plans on marketing to schools and pediatricians … to see the development of this product is a great learning experience … I have read a few books and developed worksheets on all different aspects of emotional intelligence.  Since this is such a new idea/field this is not something I can learn about in class … by having clarification on this topic available to me by Dr. Lancer, I feel that I am learning a lot.”

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